Having an unpaid tax lien can result in you losing your home through foreclosure.
You should check your deed and mortgage index periodically to ensure continuity with official records in the Register’s Office.
You should carefully read each line of your property tax bill.
You should know the exact location where your original deed is kept.
When in doubt, call the Financial Crime “Fraud” Protection Office number: 973-266-7220
This Office abides by the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), which is the State’s Statue which governs the public’s access to government records in New Jersey.
If you misplaced or lost your original deed, you can purchase your own certified copies from the Register’s Office without the use of a third party.
The only certified copy is the one with the raised gold seal.
The Essex County Register’s Office is proud to announce the RECORD ALERT system, which is a system that allows you to get notified if any property documents are recorded under your name or block and lot. This is a FREE service.